Fakespot Adjusted Percentages 
50% Positive50% Negative
Steam Percentages
62% Positive38% Negative

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  • How are reviewers describing this item?
    good, bad, worth, online and better.
  • The average player level for the reviewers of this game is 10.6.
  • The average games owned by the reviewers of this game is 134.7.
  • The game has been played an average of 10.1 hours.
  • Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
  • This product had a total of 1,243 reviews as of our last analysis date on Feb 17 2019.
Reviews Summary

All in all if i had paid 60 euro for it i might had refunded it however i do like creating my own characters and join my fav anime gangs its a fun time waster

Pros creating character customization although this is limited easy combat system is fun to play graphics flashy stuff runs smooth cons annoying bg ost music not enough customization big con for me way to expensive if you had to buy it for full price get it on sale not a game for the die hard fighting game fans story biggest let down of the game

2nd put on epic battle anime soundtracks mix

Even though i mentioned refund let me clarify why i still recommended the game1

Review Count History