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Pros & Cons
Read this book and heed the warnings. The only issue i have is that every word that ends with rn has r and n replaced with the letter m.
This fascinating true story was very well researched and put together expertly. The first fifty pages, where the author sets the stage, are particularly luminous. In two separate situations, the cases unfold for the tragic outcomes.
This book prompted the national park service to improve its managerial practices. I also believe if this were my family, i would hold those, all in the chalet, rangers etc.
The only part of the book worth reading is the epilogue. The kindle version of this book is riddled with problems. The story is very disjointed.
Usually bears have no interest in people except as a nuisance. Way too much emphasis placed on the descriptions of the landscape. Disproportionately so. If you read this book as facts on grizzlies it could get you killed.

Be prepared for extreme detail throughout the entire book.
I do recommend this book, both for its primer on glacier national park, one of the most beautiful places on earth, and for the ... Read More
I think the rangers who did not kill the disturbed and unafraid grizzly, after months and months of warnings and reports, is bl... Read More
The detail was outstanding and at times had me truly afraid, despite sitting safely on my couch.
This book arrived so fast and as always the books are in great condition!
The seller was meticulous in the packing and shipping and the book came like new!
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grizzly, national, human and great. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 70.7% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 1,710 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 22 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I noted that an earlier reviewer gave this book zero stars because she thought it was a novel
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Well it isnt and to rate a book based on a preconceived idea that proved wrong is not really fair
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
As i read this book and i had read it before the tension grows as it becomes clear that the park service is ignoring the danger of getting close to large bears in favor of putting on a show for the tourists
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
To those of us who have spent time in the outdoor environment of nw montana natures unpredictability can be extremely hazardous for the fragile human being
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Read this book and heed the warnings
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Couldn’t stop reading this book
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Made a four hour flight from glacier to sc seem like minutes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I lived about 100 miles from the attacks and rumors ran rampant the girls were having their periods one girl in east glacier and the other in west glacier which were 20 miles apart according other rumors actual about 50 one party had camped in a dump ground and had fed the grizzly and then one of the boys had to go hit it to make it go away the bear came back into the camp after dark stepped over all the sleeping bag all except a girl went for the trees she couldn’t unzip her bag the bear bit her head “oh my god he is biting my head
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