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Pros & Cons
The clock is good and the speaker is better than expected. Same with smart phones, smart appliances, smart tv, cell companies holding metadata. It helps a good company fine tune their products.
There you go… honest as they come. It's not necessarily negative to point out the flaws. Very happy with this device.
It's very disappointing indeed. The frustrating part is how unhelpful support was. That is truly unfortunate. It’s really unfortunate too. It is very frustrating.
Amazon is using your echo as a billboard. It's not enough for amazon that i paid good money for these, or that they’re constantly recording what you say and selling your personal data. It’s unfortunate amazon has decided to go in this direction withou... Read More
The one thing that makes it unusable for me, is that the screen keeps putting ads for what alexa can do.
The hands-free control for my smart home devices has made managing lights, security cameras, and thermostats incredibly convenient.
Excellent bluetooth connectivity and sound is clear
After 4 years of near-perfect usage (bought on 12-2019) the screen is constantly flickering, even so after having done all that... Read More
Constant flickering, rendering it difficult to read recipes and similar reading pages.
5" screen packed with features that make staying organized and entertained a breeze.
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- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 95233.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 354,593 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 4 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
One standout feature is the video calling and messaging capabilities
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
After 4 years of nearperfect usage bought on 122019 the screen is constantly flickering even so after having done all that the tech people have recommended to solve the problem it remains flickering every 3 seconds all day long all week long all month long all year long
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Constant flickering rendering it difficult to read recipes and similar reading pages
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its linked with the ring camera so i can see the camera via the echo show and talk with someone whos outside
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I can ask alexa things i would search the internet
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I can see whats on my amazon list and get notifications when packages are delivered
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
She’ll come in and let me know how the weather was going to be for the end of the day and tomorrow when i give her a compliment she always says you don’t know how that gives me a charge laughing my butt off read more
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I am thinking of upgrading it to newest one with a bigger screen
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