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Pros & Cons
Greenies are the only teenie dental chews small enough for my little girls. My 5lb chihuahua dances around her daily teenie. It makes her so happy, then she grabs it and runs to her bed to eat. Made with natural ingredients, they're perfect for small ... Read More
They are pricey but worth the money! My dog enjoys them and they work. I like that they are small enough for my dogs that 5 & 8 lbs.
First ingredient is wheat flour and third is wheat protein. The word "original" is written is big letters with "teenie" below in small letters. My dog has sensitive teeth, i have to throw them out because they will damage her teeth if they are too dry... Read More
I love that they are made in america.
To make these more effective i break off the toothbrush end and apply a thin coat of enzyme dog toothpaste in the grooves.
Also, my dogs are miniature dachshund, and they really used to have problems with their teeth and gums and their breath was atr... Read More
It’s so difficult for me to brush my dogs teeth.
A great value for your dogs teeth and for their tummy.
My yorkie loves it wish was little bit cheaper
I do wish the price would go down because it is getting ridiculous.
I can’t afford dental work and they don't really like dry food so i buy these and bixby chicken jerky to try and keep them chewing.
Perhaps you can send future greenies in a nice plastic envelope style package.
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dental, good, clean, little and down. - Our engine has detected that the listing/variation has anomalous review count history. Please review the historical review count graph.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 72.4% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 10,208 reviews as of our last analysis date on Oct 1 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
For some reason i thought greenies were hard
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
She finished it in 3 seconds was hoping she’d have to work at it a little bit
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My dog would write this review if she had thumbs
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My dogs go crazy for greenies
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have always used them yet stopped for awhile not because they dont work
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Where i went for his dental he not only did not come out with white teeth his got his tarter back quickly
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I can’t afford dental work and they dont really like dry food so i buy these and bixby chicken jerky to try and keep them chewing
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I used to have trouble picking my dog up since hes a bit wary of someone reaching out to him
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