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Improving flexibility and endurance, helping you get a better deeper sleep, chronic constipation, and other conditions, so far ... Read More
These works great, a great quality magnesium is essential.
I've been taking two capsules every day for years, and the benefits are simply unmatched.
That was about 2 months ago and since then no nighttime cramps.
The malate is cheaper that's because it is cheaper and not worth it.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 73.3% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 69,266 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 30 2024.
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Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It was causing intolerable gi side effects
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Essentially none of the gi side effects of mag oxide
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I suffered from random leg cramps during the night that would force me out of bed and walk the hall until cramps subsided
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It has been 3 months on my second order
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I had these horrible leg cramps at night
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I mean my calves my quads and my feet would cramp up at night so bad that the muscles would just clench for long periods of time
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
In june of 2020 i bought some magnesium malate and began using that with minor results
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
So four years later i finally started researching the subject more and found out magnesium malate is not absorbed by the body as well as magnesium glycinate so i switched
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