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Pros & Cons
The construction of the brace is brilliant. If you have an ankle sprain injury and need acute or ongoing support, this brace is really really good.
It provides excellent support and protection. The stays are removable, but i am keeping them in as they do not impede movement on the court. These stabilizers feel more secure than wrapping and comparable to taping my ankles.
Very adjustable and comfortable. Not bulky at all. The fact that they use these in doctor's offices speaks volumes.
The boot has six sets of eyelets and requires lacing. It has two long thin plastic webbing that wrap around the ankle in a criss-cross pattern.
Can't get to fit properly, it's either too tight and it hinders walking or too loose! It laces up and is very hard to do in my condition. Does not work for me, it hurts my ankles instead of helping it.

Been using these braces for years works really great and the support can be taken out of three sides making its a little more flexible.
The extra large velco above the ankle gives additional support and prevents the two stabilizing straps from coming off.
The plastic stabiliers are weak and don't work at all.
Pressed against the ankle bone, they become irritating.
My sports therapy doctor recommended this brace, and it's worth every penny.
I was given (read sold for a much higher price (about 5x)) this aso brace, minus the inserts.
Save a few dollars and buy the regular version.
It is worth the money to get good stuff.
It took me 7 weeks, which was way faster than i expected.
It also arrived quickly and had no damage done to the box!
Odered brace late saturday night, paid for expedited shipping and received it monday morning.
My othopedic surgeon said this brand is actually better than what they dispense in house.
I tested several brands and models and this baby wins hands down.
I ordered a few other brands of braces similar in style with the figure eight straps that were supposed to have stays according... Read More
The price is higher than competing brands.
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size, comfortable, great, good and better. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 118 reviews as of our last analysis date on Mar 8 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Purchased for my wifes broken ankle
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Medium size is just a little large but ok for her size 7 12 foot
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My left ankle is prone to rollingspraining after i broke it 4 years ago
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Even after several months of physical therapy every so often my ankle will pop and the whole process starts all over again
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I actually bought three braces of different designs this was the one driven by fear that i would be limping for months
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This brace was worn for a few days but if you dont actually need the side struts its not the most comfortable support
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Unfortunately the two plastic side inserts are useless
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Pressed against the ankle bone they become irritating
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