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A nutritionist recommended taking extra b6 and i find it difficult swallowing tablets so this product works well for me.
I chose this product based on quality of the parent company and specific supplement need.
Quality ingredients, great size, easy to swallow, good price, arrived in good time.
I like the fact it does not have additives
He has been taking it in the amount of 250mg a day and has reported much more vivid dreaming in which he is far more aware.
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easy, great, small, good and many. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 1.
- Previous analysis of this listing was an C grade.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 78.7% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 458 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jun 2 2021.
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Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Seem to work well this is not the 1st brand ive tried
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