Couldn't shake it. I sprinkle it on cheese and then it helps them. It apears to be working, as the amount is lowering gradually.
Zeolite pure is a safe top-quality heavy metal detox product that works extremely well. This could be the cure all for many autoimmune diseases including fibromyalgia, gout, hsv 1&2. This is the best detox treatment i have had.
No pain, just a weirdly intense tingling sensation. I feel lighter, i think more clearly, my senses are keener. Comes with a little scooper spoon.
This product is no longer micro ionized. Fda warns against ingesting zeolites as they contain the very elements they are supposed to “bind” and help one excrete. No recent and robust data on this product.
Organic ashwaghanda calm jangled nerves and relax. I drink a cup a day with turmeric, lemon and ginger.
The powder mixes poorly with liquids and other foods like yogurt or cottage cheese. Even when mixed with yogurt and cottage cheese the taste smashes its way through.
The expiration date on the bag says 7/1/2020. It is about 1 year expired. No positive outcome like stated or advertised.
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