I'm not sure if the desired effects would even be possible from this formula as it was way too sweet for me to continue to take. I like to * herbs and this product didn't have even the slightest hint of anything earthy to it. Good for the company, bad... Read More
I mix castor oil and tea tree oil together and use it when my face brake out. Must be diluted with coconut oil or other safe oils before applying.
Great buy for 2 ozs. Prime shipping makes it worth the few extra cents.
The only negative is the very strong smell. I also use other less pungent essential oils to deter from the smell but it works better than other tea tree oils i have used.
This oil is not pure, and smells like rancid oil! I am suspicious of whatever else they put in here. Industry standards allow manufactures to say they are 100% even if the total concentration of the eo is only 5%.