Master the World of Ed...
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The Marine Biology Col...
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Master the World of Edible Wild ... vs The Marine Biology Coloring Book...

Master the World of Ed...
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The Marine Biology Col...
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Pros and Cons


The writing vernacular is easy to understand and the set up of the book is user friendly. Easy to understand, nice conversational style to his stories. Informative, easy to read, great story teller and usable photos not blury or grayscale.

The kindle edition has limited color photographs (one photo per plant being discussed) great for identifying and foraging. I would’ve liked to see the different stages of plant an herb growth during different seasons, as i am from minnesota and our pl...  Read More

This book is well laid out, with the information available in an instantly usable format. This book has a bibliography with links so it's easy to find out more. Great book w lots of useful info & pictures.

If you're lucky enough to run across this book before you actually need it consider yourself blessed to have the time to absorb the wealth of knowledge. The author has poured his heart and soul into his book.


The pictures of plants are black and white. The description where to find the plants is lacking. How to use them is also i’m many cases is poor.


I strongly recommend it and in my opinion it should be a supplement or even a required secondary text for introductory zoology students. My highschool marine bio teacher/mentor used a few of these pages in her lessons. Many of the form and function an...  Read More

The marine biology coloring book is a coloring textbook. I use some of the coloring plates to complement my high school biology course. Have spent numerous enjoyable hours reading about various eco systems and then coloring the inhabitants.

My only real drawback to this is that most of the pictures have stippling or shading which makes them a little busy and at times hard to color.


Ordered a new coloring book and received one that was colored in already and clearly used. The book that arrived is just over 100 pages, the description states it is around 250. He is crazy about marine biology and will probably color the pictures, bu...  Read More

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