How to Read Literature...
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Sketching from the Ima...
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How to Read Literature Like a Pr... vs Sketching from the Imagination: ...

How to Read Literature...
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Sketching from the Ima...
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Pros and Cons


This book inspires me to get creative and get lost in my own reading/writing. Great for teaching because it's both entertaining and informative. If you are looking for a take on literature that isn't monotone and has a massive voice, this is the book ...  Read More

The book covers all manner of vampirism. One example is about how when a knight goes on a quest for a holy grail, he/she is to search for prosperity and to bring back the grail as a symbol to harvest the crops within a barren kingdom.


This is probably the worst summer assignment i have ever done. He makes himself sound like the way he reads books or teaches people to read books is the only right and fun way to read…books. I guess professors don't care if the spoil the endings of th...  Read More

Author constantly likens every concept to *. He makes a series of baseless assertions in each chapter. The author delivers his opinions as if he were god and had the ability to flunk anyone that thinks otherwise.

Foster drags on chapters by playing unnecessary word games with the reader. Instead of elaborating on how to analyse literature in a way that yields more fulfilling reads, foster writes in a condescending tone which can make the book discouraging to r...  Read More

A good book follows archeotypes to a t (tropes for the internet savvy), and the only enjoyment one will get out of a story is by nitpicking it and looking for symbolism that may or may not be there. The cultural references are inappropriate in light o...  Read More


Sketching from the imagination' is a thick sketch book with unique work on every page. This series has the most art and inspiration of any other book. I love to study the techniques of many different artists in countless mediums, and this is one i'll ...  Read More

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