Beta-alanine gives you tingly sensations throughout your body when you work out. The tinglies really make the workout feel better and it even makes your workout music hit harder.
Lasts sooo much longer than a normal preworkout. That equals more volume in your workouts.
A common dosing recommendation is to start with 2-3 grams per day. I find two level teaspoons to be an effective dose.
The tingling sensation, also known as paresthesia, that some users may experience. The tingle isnt anything to be afraid of.
Started with my head, pins and needles and then radiating down my entire body. It feels like i'm being stabbed by thousands of hot pins & needles from the inside out all over my body! Difficult dosing.
Some nameless chinese shipper put this in bulk containers for this company to repackage and sell. If this isn't beta alanine, then what cheap chemical did this company shove into bulk containers and sell?
Great no booster and workout supplement. I take this along with endur-acin (nicotinic acid), two each per day.