If you have just repainted your cabinets then these are a must have. It is possible to use double sided tape or glue to reuse them after they lose the adhesive.
Adhered quickly and great price for a huge quantity. Easy to use. Perfect adhesion and no more * of doors. Very easy to remove & adjust.
Loved the price and large array of dots. Thank you to amazon for getting this replacement to me so quickly. Very pleased withe them.
When you close the cabinet doors, it is a softer muffled sound which is a whole lot better than a loud slam. Works very well to minimize cabinet slamming noises. Our drawers and cabinets are now much quieter closing.
Quality is good, value is so-so, execution is zero. The sound when closing mirrors that of having nothing at all. These are not light duty.
They are durable and delicate at the same time. I have them on the four feet on the back of the couch that is on my hardwood floor. Makes my modular couch stay put and together.
Well, no s***, sherlock. I hope the merchant will read my review and make good by crediting my account!
White adhesive pads are impossible to free from their white adhesive backing. They are double sided and the seam is not the same on its opposite side. Came with no adhesive.
Worst part of the damage was caused by the product sticking to and pulling up the floor's polyurethane coating in irregular chunks. Within a week the recliners are no longer on the pads and are sliding around on the floor. The rug round pads seem to w... Read More