Fakespot Transparency Pledge

“Our mission is to be the most trust-obsessed company on Earth. That starts with empowering our customers to avoid eCommerce scams and make informed purchases. We make reviews more trustworthy with our consumer-first AI.”
Saoud Khalifah
Founder and CEO
How does Fakespot work?
What do you do with the data Fakespot generates?
How do you make money?
Why should I trust Fakespot?

How does Fakespot work?

Fakespot works by using artificial intelligence to analyze reviews, product info, seller info, and other aggregate data to identify and report on fake and unreliable eCommerce activity.

The results of our analysis are provided to you as Fakespot Review Grades and Adjusted Ratings, Guard Seller Ratings, and Review Highlights.
Gather reviews, product information, seller information, and other metadata.
Fakespot Engine
All information mentioned above is organized and processed by the Fakespot Engine. The Fakespot Engine is composed of dozens of ML models joined by algorithms.
Fakespot Ratings through compatible platforms
The Fakespot Engine’s outputs are returned to you as Fakespot Review Grades and Fakespot Guard Seller Ratings along with adjusted product ratings and review highlights.

What do you do with the data Fakespot generates?

We use data only to improve our products and the accuracy of our results. We are privacy oriented because our founder is a security and privacy fanatic and everyone at Fakespot strongly believes that only you should control your data and not anyone else.
Simple Sign Up
We only ask for your email and a user-generated password when you sign up.
Limited Data, Big Impact
Unlike other sites, we do not need to know your full name, address, zip code, sex, or other pieces of personal information. That’s none of our business and it shouldn’t be anyone else's.
Why we need your email?
We use your email for synchronization of our apps across different platforms, user settings/ convenience, email marketing (you can always opt-out), platform maintenance, and account management (confirm/lost/reset passwords).

How do you make money?

Any business relationship Fakespot forges is on a consumer-first and trust-first basis. This means our partners have to meet the following strict guidelines:

  1. Offer quality products from reputable brands at competitive prices.
  2. Stand behind their products by providing excellent customer service and free returns.
  3. Do not use fake reviews or censor negative reviews.

Once a brand or marketplace has been verified and meets the above requirements we will partner with them in the following ways to make money:

  1. Ads: We serve ads on Fakespot.com and our apps.
  2. Affiliate: Sometimes we earn a commission when you click on product and seller alternatives links that we offer and you make a purchase.
  3. SaaS: We license Fakespot’s technology to brands and marketplaces to eliminate fake reviews on their sites and provide consumers better product information.

We also offer you links to products and seller alternatives that we do not make commissions on because if something is better you should know about it whether we make money or not.

Fakespot does not share any of your data or personal information. If you would like to know more about our policies please read our terms of use and privacy notice.
At Your Service
No affiliate partnerships with unreliable brands and marketplaces.
Privacy Without Compromise
We do not sell your data and promise to always respect your privacy.
Coming Soon...
We will be announcing an innovative way to generate revenue that benefits both Fakespot and you.

Why should I trust Fakespot?

We are the most trust-obsessed company on Earth.
Every team member has a passion for helping people like you.
Mission Driven
Our goal is to help you buy quality products from reputable brands, sellers, and marketplaces that will stand behind them and not accept any eCommerce fraud.
Our Ecosystem
All of our tech is built in-house so there are zero conflicts with non-privacy oriented tech companies or the marketplaces we analyze for you.
Our Culture
Our team is obsessed with building products that make reviews trustworthy and provide security for consumers as they shop on the Internet.