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Pros & Cons
Protective and nourishing first step after cleaning and before moisturizer. It brightens and softens the skin. The scent is also very calming.
As someone with rosacea i feel like i've finally found a solid skincare routine. The product was packaged appropriately and arrived as indicated. It is pricey, but so far it has a very nice feeling.
My skin feels renewed and refreshed. My skin feels refreshed and dewy.
The viscosity is great making it easy to spread with little loss in the fingers and no drips!
It's the best serum i've found, not greasy and very effective.
I’ve noticed that since using this serum my skin feels even more taut and some spots have diminished in appearance.
I see a dermatologist regularly for micro needling, ipl and even occasionally botox.
The product is pricey but worth it.
It is expensive but the results are real and significant.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
better, good, expensive and made. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 686 reviews as of our last analysis date on Sep 21 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It is working after 1 week of use i ca see the difference
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The positive changes began very soon after twice a day use
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My skin is more supple and bright and youthful
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Tried another less expensive chebula active serum and the main plus here is the viscosity and lack of waste in applying
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Im fortunate not to have much in the way of lineswrinkles so i cant comment on how well it works on those though tbh i think my old retinol serum worked a bit better on my elevens
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But its only strong right when you apply the serum and after that i dont smell it at all
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This moisturizer absorbs quickly into the skin leaving your skin soft and moist
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