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Pros & Cons
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Realistic Appearance
Customers are thrilled with the realistic appearance of these glow in the dark stars. The domed shape provides a good optical illusion and they look more like actual stars than traditional star shaped stickers. Customers have enjoyed using them for various decorative purposes, including on posters and ceilings.
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Decorative Use
Customers have mixed opinions on the decorative use of these stars, with most praising their unique and natural ambience when lit up in the dark. However, some find the process of applying them tedious due to their size and quantity. While some customers were able to cover a large area with ease, others found it time-consuming and not worth the cost or effort. Some customers have reported that the stars did not last long after application.
Customers have mixed opinions on the brightness of the stars, with some reporting that they glow incredibly brightly while others find them to be less effective. The stars are praised for their ability to fill a room with a starry night effect when charged with light and in the dark, but some customers have expressed disappointment that they don't last long after being charged or that they don't glow at all.
Customers have mixed opinions regarding the adhesion quality of these 3D domed glow in the dark stars. While some report excellent results with easy installation and strong adhesive, others have experienced issues with the stars detaching from surfaces shortly after application.

Sticks wonderfully to a variety of surfaces and the pictures of the ceiling is during day time.
They glow brightly and the variety of dimension with the domed shape provides a really good optical illusion.
The amount of stickers and maneuvering individual stickers to place was what made it a chore, having to remove from the backing... Read More
I stuck mine on bed sheets and it held tight!
Havent seen them at night yet, but awesome for the value
Thank you for the quick delivery to.
We bought three packs of the green, one of the blue, and are covering the ceiling of our little ones bedroom.
They look like the real night sky we bought one package of green and one of blue.
Although it seems like a small amount when you first open the package, one order of these will fill up and entire bedroom.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
blue, dark, realistic, great and worth. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 737 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 11 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Cant wait to buy more and as long as they get artificiallight or direct light they seem to glow brightly
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Believe i got the lime greenish looking ones
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The closer to a light source the brighter these things shine
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
One of those thing you can only see by eye not by camera
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I live in the city and no stars are visible i was feeling homesick and decided to give this a shot
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I ordered two packs one in each color
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Each sheet has 3 different sizes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My opinion is the dots are far more realistic then the other star shaped ones
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