Pros & Cons
Chain works great, but the quick link was defective. Had to use my old quick link. I have a shimano drive chain and have been very satisfied with how the kmc chain works.

Well made and works on my bikes without issues!
Quick-link makes it very easy to install
Hole was to big, would not lock in.
Chain works great, but the quick link was defective.
I think its really worth it for the price
Good value, quality and easy to fit.
£25 is the current price and imo is too high.
Good price, but be careful to count the links of the chain its replacing.
Nice product, well packaged all though i prefer the cardboard packaging to the new plastic packaging
This chain is less expensive that shimano and works just as well.
Had this brand before and are as good as shimano and sram i also use there useable power link
Much cheaper than shimano equivalent and at least as good if not better.
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last, quick, doubled, counterfeit and grey. - Our engine has detected that there may be counterfeit products sold through this listing.
- Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 34.3% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 1,473 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 24 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Chain works great but the quick link was defective
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Hole was to big would not lock in
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I had to buy new ones to have as spares
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The drivetrain just never shifted correctly
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Much cheaper than shimano equivalent and at least as good if not better
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However mine last around 3500km before needing to be changed 0
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
When they cost around £17 last year i think that was a more reasonable price
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