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Pros & Cons
The color of the pills is very light colored. It has had a negative effect on my digestive system, which has been working less efficiently and more painfully during that time.
I've taken this for 2 years now, the powder is strong, capsules are easier.
This herb regrows hair on the scalp, excellent for people with alopecia and thinning hair- for further reference to its uses an... Read More
This causes it to break and it would never grow past a certain point.
The tincture tasted unusual and unique most of the time, not too good.
This is a great price and good product choice when getting some
Still, this product is affordable and it seems to be working.
I've been taking it daily, about 3 a day, for about 4 weeks.
Kinda strange :), but it looks good.
I was surprised, because i had eaten a tincture of fo-ti root from another brand, nature's answer.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
good, great, grey and black. - Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 29.
- Previous analysis of this listing was an C grade.
- Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 56.3% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 440 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jun 3 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have been taking foti for a year4 capsule a day
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My hairdresser ask what i had done
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I purchased this supplement to see if it would have an impact on my hair journey
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This causes it to break and it would never grow past a certain point
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have been taking this specific brand for about 34 months
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My hair is turning grey due to my medication
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I am taking this to slow down the grey
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Will update after some more days of using
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