Pros & Cons
The holographic effect is such a nice touch to any deck. It's a nice theme that fits the cards.
Sleeves seem well made, durable, love the flashy holographic look. They feel sturdy and i can’t wait to play!
The backs of the sleeves are matte, the holographic side of the sleeve covers the card faces. They were advertised as white with holographic screen.
Corners bend too easily even with the gentlest of shuffling. The backs are stiffer than dragon shield covers for reference, so they're more difficult to shuffle as well.
After very little use, the seams of the sleeves are ripping. I'm stuck with card sleeves i cannot use because seller wouldn't allow me to return. Also, these sleeves feel like worse quality than pretty much all others i've ever had.

I used these for my bubble fort commander deck with protection, hex proof, enchantments, etc.
Never feel like my cards are in danger, even in the presence of light spills.
It perpetually feels as though they've been covered in corn starch.
The reflective surface is on the viewing side, which for some reason i didn't notice.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
holographic, each, cute, nice and first. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 719 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 18 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I love these sleeves but theyre not without their faults
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The fractured look is striking i get complimented on it often
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Never feel like my cards are in danger even in the presence of light spills
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It perpetually feels as though theyve been covered in corn starch
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
As cool as it looks it makes reading the card next to impossible sometimes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
At least without hold it up to your face
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The reflective surface is on the viewing side which for some reason i didnt notice
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