Don't get ripped off online, use Fakespot

With Fakespot, you're guaranteed to get the best products from the best sellers at the best price.
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Here's everything that's included:
An easy to access review summary
Don't waste time reading through thousands of reviews. Highlights summarizes from real customers the most important product information including:
Built to last or breaks easily?
How does the product stack up against its rivals?
Great deal or too expensive?
Did the product arrive on time as promised?
How is the presentation and did the product arrive undamaged?
Offers by Fakespot
Only the best prices
Always get the best price from first-party sellers, and never worry about return policies.
Guard by Fakespot
From the best sellers
Never buy another bad product with Guard, only available on Fakespot for Browsers. Guard quickly tells you if a seller is reputable and offers alternatives if they are not to save you time, money, and frustration.
On-Page Fakespot Analysis
With real-time review analysis
With a consumer-first approach, we've integrated our Fakespot seller and review analysis on our supported websites for the best shopping experience.
On the websites you choose
Fakespot for Browsers gives you complete control over your eCommerce experience. Start saving time and money by adding it to Browsers today.
Why should you use Fakespot?
Because we put consumers like you first.
We believe eCommerce should be an easy and safe shopping experience. With Amazon and Walmart relying so much on third-party sellers there are too many bad products, from bad sellers, who use fake reviews.
Fakespot for Chrome is the only platform you need to get the products you want at the best price from the best sellers.

Experience Amazon as it should be, for free

Fakespot for Chrome is the only platform you need to get the products you want at the best price from the best sellers with our industry leading fake review analysis, all for free.
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